
You need to download additional files to be able to run the benchmarks and the examples. In the $NPTOOL directory, do the following:

$ git clone


Benchmarks play an important role to check the installation or upgrade integrity of the NPTool package. They are also useful for comparing CPU performances on different computer platforms. So far two benchmarks are included in the NPTool package. The first one (cats) analyses experimental data from a beam tracker detector using the npanalysis facility, while the second one (gaspard) runs a silicon array simulation using the npsimulation facility and display some basics control spectra. Each benchmark produces figures that can be compared to the reference figures provided in NPTool. These two benchmarks cover all the core functionalities of NPTool’s framework. The first benchmark can be run with the following commands:

$ cd $NPTOOL/Benchmarks/cats
$ npanalysis -D benchmark_cats.detector -C calibration.txt -R RunToTreat.txt -O benchmark_cats

For the second benchmark do:

$ cd $NPTOOL/Benchmarks/gaspard
$ npsimulation -D benchmark_gaspard.detector -E 132Sndp_benchmark.reaction -O benchmark_gaspard -B batch.mac

In both cases, the results can be displayed and compared to reference results using the following command:

$ root -l ShowResults.C


With respect to benchmarks, examples deal with more complex analysis cases where several detectors are present. In this context, physical information resulting from the combination of information from several detectors can be calculated. As a standardized test case, you can run Example1 by the following command:

$ npsimulation -D Example1.detector -E Example1.reaction -O Example1

This will open the npsimulation GUI (if you are using Qt) or the prompt terminal. In either case events can be generated using the following command:

> run/beamOn/ 10000
> exit

This will simulate the 11Li(d,3He)10He->8He+n+n reaction and produce an output ROOT file located in $NPTOOL/Outputs/Simulation/Example1.root. The Example1.detector file located in $NPTOOL/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration and the Example1.reaction file located in $NPTOOL/Inputs/EventGenerator are self explanatory thanks to the use of understandable tokens. The simulated file can be analysed using the following commands:

$ npp Example1
$ cmake ./
$ make -jn
$ npanalysis -R RunToTreat.txt -O Example1

This will produce an analysed tree located in the $NPTOOL/Outputs/Analysis/Example1.root file. Note that since the input files needed by npsimulation are stored in the ROOT file, npanalysis use these automatically as inputs. The results can be displayed using the command:

$ root -l ShowResults.C

You should be able to see the light particle identification, the light particle kinematical line and the associated excitation energy spectrum fitted by a gaussian. The Example1 input files and NPAnalysis project are simple basis that can be used to start doing your own simulations.